東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII


April 25, 2019

平成31年度 東京大学大学院情報学環 教育部 研究生 入学ガイダンスEntrance Guidance for Undergraduate Research Students





On April 5th, entrance guidance for undergraduate research students was held in Fukutake Learning Studio. Thirty-two new students have entered the Undergraduate Research Student Program this year. In his welcome address, Dean Tanaka alluded to the historical background of the program, notably the founding of a research center for journalism studies at the University of Tokyo 90 years ago, and the establishment of the Institute of Journalism and Communication Studies 70 years ago. He also spoke about some of the unique and attractive features of the program, especially its interdisciplinary curriculum, diverse student body and the strong network among current and former students.

A further exposition of the current program was offered by Professor Niwa, who is the present chair of the Undergraduate Research Student Program Committee. He expressed his hope that the new students would develop an understanding of the differences between contemporary digital news media and traditional printed media such as newspapers, besides being open to a diversity of new challenges and enriching learning experiences through their participation in the program.

Other faculty members attending the session then introduced themselves and outlined the curricula of the courses they are going to teach. The session ended with a lively series of self-introductions delivered by each new student.

Text: Iyo Mimura (Academic affairs division)
Photo: Kyomi Iwata (Academic affairs division)
Translation: David Buist (Project senior specialist)