March 26, 2019
平成30年度 東京大学大学院情報学環 教育部研究生 修了証書授与式Completion Ceremony for Undergraduate Research Students 2018
A ceremony for the presentation of certificates to students completing the Undergraduate Research Student Program was held on March 14th at Fukutake Hall.
The number of students completing the program this academic year was 16, a larger number than usual. Of these, 13 attended the ceremony and received their certificates directly from the hands of Dean Tanaka.
In his address to those gathered, Dean Tanaka expressed his appreciation for the efforts of the students who have to complete the program while also fulfilling the requirements of their major. He also spoke about the value of the Undergraduate Research Program for building social networks, since it brings together diverse people including not only full-time students but also those working in companies and organizations.
Following the dean’s address, Professor Maeda spoke to the gathering in his capacity as chair of the Undergraduate Research Student Program Committee. His message focused on the need to apply the knowledge and experience gained from the program to view the media critically, especially in the light of the media’s importance in the formation of people’s political consciousness.
The ceremony closed with some joyful words of thanks from the student’s association delivered by the association’s deputy chairman. After the ceremony, the attendees convened to the Sanjou Kaikan for an informal get-together organized by the Undergraduate Research Student Program alumni association.
Text: Iyo Mimura (Academic affairs division)
Translation: David Buist (Project senior specialist)