東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII


October 12, 2018

平成30年度 秋季 入学式 ・ ガイダンスAutumn Entrance Ceremony & Guidance 2018



学府長からは、多くの国々からの学生達を受け入れており、来年20周年を迎える、学際融合のフロントランナーたる情報学環・学際情報学府の紹介があり、新入生達が学際情報学府の先駆者となるようにとの励ましの挨拶がありました。専攻長は、感銘を受けたという、2005年のスタンフォード大学での学位記授与式におけるスティーブ・ジョブズの講演から、“Stay hungry, stay foolish”という言葉を取り上げ、研究においても常にhungryであれ、また、逆境を克服して大学院を生き残る知恵等々、スライドと共に学生達を鼓舞する挨拶がありました。

続いて入学式に出席した教員から一言ずつの自己紹介を経て、在学生代表のFrederic Julien Nicolas SERAPHINEさんから、オーギュスト・ピカールに言及しつつ多分野にまたがって好奇心を持つことの興味深さ等を挙げて、温かい歓迎の祝辞がありました。



The Autumn Entrance Ceremony of the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies was held on September 19th in Fukutake Learning Theater. It was attended by 15 new students entering the Master’s degree program and 6 entering the Ph.D. program.

The ceremony began with addresses by Dean Tanaka and Prof. Nakao, Head of Department. Following this, members of the faculty introduced themselves, and a welcoming address was delivered by a representative of the existing student body.

Dean Tanaka spoke of the GSII’s success in attracting students from many overseas countries and its role as a pioneer of interdisciplinary education. He encouraged the new students to become pioneers in their own fields as the GSII nears the 20th anniversary of its founding. Prof. Nakao paid homage to Steve Jobs’ famous commencement address at Stanford University in 2005, quoting the memorable words “Stay hungry, stay foolish,” encouraging students to always remain hungry for even greater achievements in their research and resilient in the face of challenges.

After brief introductions by the faculty members in attendance, Frederic Seraphine, speaking as a representative of the existing student body, warmly welcomed the new students in a wide-ranging address emphasizing the need to maintain a sense of curiosity.

The ceremony was followed by a guidance session for the new students as they embarked on their life as students of the GSII.

Text: Reiko Murata (Academic affairs division)
Proofreading: David Buist (Project senior specialist)