東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


August 24, 2018

ヒューマンオーグメンテーション 学( ソニー 寄付講座 )シンポジウム&セミナー"Human Augmentation (endowed chair by Sony)" Symposium & Seminar

シンポジウム「The future is already here: SFと人間拡張の未来」


「未来はすでにここにある ただ十分に行き渡っていないだけだ – The future is already here, it’s just not evenly distributed yet.」 というWilliam Gibsonのメッセージビデオから始まったシンポジウムは、SFと人間拡張学の関係にフォーカスしたイベントでした。2017年度の寄付講座活動と今後の展望について味八木特任准教授から紹介があり、現在暦本研究室で取り組んでいる跳躍力を拡張するドローンの話題などが報告されました。

続く座談セッションではゲストの早稲田大学文学学術院 ドミニク・チェン准教授と小説家の上田岳弘さんを交えて、上田さんがWEBと文芸誌で同時連載中の「キュー」からテクノロジーと文学について、またドミニクさんの過去の作品からFuture Humanity(未来の人間性)についての議論が交わされました。暦本教授からはSFの歴史を中心に文学や俳句から人間が受け取る情報量について言及がありました。シンポジウム終了後の懇親会では暦本研究室の学生によるポスターセッションも開催され、ヒューマンオーグメンテーション研究や社会展開について活発な議論がおこなわれました。

記事・写真: ヒューマンオーグメンテーション学(ソニー寄付講座)事務局






Symposium “The future is already here: The future of SF and Human Augmentation”

On March 26, 2018, a first public symposium of “Human Augmentation (endowed chair by Sony)” was held at Itoh International Research Center.

The symposium started with William Gibson’s video message that includes his famous quote “The future is already here, it’s just not evenly distributed yet”. The event was focused on the relationship between science fiction and human augmentation. Assoc. Prof. Miyaki introduced research and educational activities of the chair and future prospects for human augmentation (e.g. hovering backpack for augmenting jumping ability.)

In the following roundtable session, Assoc. Prof. Dominique Chen (Waseda University) and Mr. Takehiro Ueda (Novelist) joined as guest speakers. Mr. Ueda told about technology and literature from his latest novel “Q” (キュー) which is being serialized on the web and magazines. Topics on future humanities also discussed based on Prof. Chen’s past works. Prof. Rekimoto also joined and mentioned the fundamental difference of information that human receives from various medium. At the reception after the symposium, a poster session was held by students, and active discussions were held on human augmentation research and social development.

Text and Photo: Human Augmentation (endowed chair by Sony)

Seminar “Augmentation of Physical Abilities”

On July 10, 2018, the 3rd seminar of “Human Augmentation (endowed chair by Sony)” was held at Fukutake Learning Theater. Following the “augmentation of perception,” which was the major topic of the 1st seminar last year, “augmentation of physical abilities” was set as a topic this time. Three experts gave lectures and held panel discussions along with Prof. Jun Rekimoto of the III. Around 200 students and workers participated in the seminar.

In his lecture, Prof. Kimitaka Nakazawa of the University of Tokyo introduced the latest research into the plasticity of the brain Paralympics athletes have, and he discussed the possibility of neurorehabilitation as a clinical application. Dr. Shinichi Furuya of Sony Computer Science Laboratories presented his research on the use of medical knowledge and engineering methodologies to support musical expressions by pianists. Project Associate Prof. Miyaki Takashi of the III introduced research in Rekimoto Lab regarding augmentation of physical abilities and support of skill acquisition.

In the panel discussions, Prof. Jun Rekimoto of the III also participated, and they discussed a variety of topics such as the importance of practice in skill acquisition and the expectancy of future advances in engineering. Throughout the seminar, many discussions revolved around the possibility of augmenting physical abilities from the medical and physiological perspectives, which corroborated the importance of interdisciplinary cooperation in opening up the Human Augmentation studies.

Text and Photo: Kazunori Nozawa (MA student)