July 26, 2018
ウズベキスタン共和国研修外交団との交流 − Open Data and e-Gov. Workshop −Interaction with the Uzbek Republic Training Diplomatic Corps
初日に開催されたFII(Future Information Initiatives)プロジェクト特別講演会では、田中秀幸学環長からの挨拶の後、ウズベキスタン共和国情報通信省電子政府推進センター ラフマトゥラエフ・ザファル・マハマジャノヴィチ センター長から、「ウズベキスタン共和国における電子政府・オープンデータの取り組みについて」の講演があり、学内・学外からの聴講者との活発な意見交換が行われました。
In late June, the Uzbek Republic Training Diplomatic Corps visited Japan in order to learn the advanced achievements of Japan in the field of “e-government” including providing open data and accessibility of data through the Internet.
As part of their training program, the Uzbek Republic Training Diplomatic Corps visited the Daiwa Ubiquitous Computing Research Building, University of Tokyo on June 27 and 28, and participated in lectures and open data trainings held by the Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, University of Tokyo. They also enjoyed actively exchanging their opinions with other participants.
On the first day, the FII (Future Information Initiatives) project special lecture was held. Following a greeting by Hideyuki Tanaka, Dean of the Interfaculty of Initiative in Information Studies, a lecture on “E-Government and Open Data Initiatives in the Republic of Uzbekistan” was presented by Zafar Rakhmatullaev, Director of the “Electronic government” System Development Center, the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
On the second day, a lecture by Noboru Koshizuka, Director of the Open Data Center, University of Tokyo (UTODC) was held, and hands-on open data practice for the Uzbek trainees was conducted using computers, with the cooperation of the Vitalizing Local Economy Organization by Open Data & Big Data (VLED). The training program helped the Uzbek trainees to understand deeply our efforts toward promoting open data.
After their return to the Republic of Uzbekistan, we received a letter of appreciation, which also included their hope to maintain the good relationship created in the workshop. We are looking forward to further collaboration between the two countries.
Text: Takahiro Sumitomo (Associate Professor)
Proofreading: David Buist (Project senior specialist)