東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


March 30, 2018

平成29年度 東京大学大学院情報学環 教育部 研究生 修了証書授与式Completion Ceremony for Undergraduate Research Students 2017



その後、伊藤国際学術研究センター内“Faculty Club”にて教育部研究生の同窓会が開催され、同窓会が修了者を招待し、和やかな雰囲気の中、親睦が深まる様子が見受けられました。



On March 15th, a ceremony was held at Fukutake Hall Learning Theatre to present certificates to students completing the Undergraduate Research Student Program (URSP).Ten of the 18 students completing the program this year (more than usual) attended the ceremony.

After receiving their certificates from Professor Osamu Sakura (Dean of the III/GSII), they listened intently to congratulatory speeches delivered by Dean Sakura and URSP Director Yoshiyuki Niwa. Dean Sakura spoke about the history of this unique program, characterizing it as a new kind of “third space” separate from both home and workplace, where students can acquire new knowledge and skills which can be applied in their future public activities. Besides commending the students for their efforts, Assoc. Prof. Niwa pointed out the importance of communication among people with different values, which the program encourages.

After the ceremony, an informal reception was held at the Faculty Club for alumni of the program, to which the students newly completing the program were invited. 

As a subsidiary major program, the Undergraduate Research Student Program is known for the extremely high level of motivation among its students. This was reflected in the lively conversations at the reception, where participants spoke enthusiastically about their future plans.

Text & Photo: Iyo Mimura (Academic affairs division)
Translation: David Buist (Project senior specialist)