東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII


March 15, 2018

東京ビデオフェスティバル に学府・ 教育部 の学生制作作品が入賞GSII/URSP Students’ Documentary Video received “TVF 2018 Award”

2017年度、水島宏明先生による「メディアスタジオ実習I /メディア・ジャーナリズム論実験実習」(学府・教育部授業)にて制作されたドキュメンタリー作品『ある学生の視点〜車いすから見上げた世界』が、東京ビデオフェスティバルに入賞しました。








Students in the GSII and URSP (Under Graduate Research Program) course “Media Studio Practicum I / Applied Studies in Media and Journalism” (taught by Professor Hiroaki Mizushima) received an award at the Tokyo Video Festival (TVF2018 Award) for a documentary work they produced with the title “A Student’s View: the World Looking Up from a Wheelchair”.

“A Student’s View” was made by Ryuichiro Fukuoka, Shun Arai, Naoki Tsuduku and Yasuko Togashi. The screening, award ceremony and symposium were held at Musashi University from February 10th to 12th. The final screening board was held publicly on the last day. Although it did not receive the grand prize, many members of the board mentioned “A Student’s View” during the lively discussion. Below is a comment about the award from Yasuko Togashi on behalf of the production team. Congratulations!

Kiyoko Toriumi (Project assistant professor, Editorial Committee)

After the Award Ceremony

The main character, a male student at the University of Tokyo, has a disease called spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). While taking account of his disability, we nevertheless tried to portray more his individual personality and appeal which transcends that disability. Some judges gave us positive feedback on that point. We also received a lot of favorable reviews about the novelty of portraying “a student’s view” by using a smart-phone camera in part of the video. On the other hand, some judges pointed out that they could not see how we were moved by the charm of the main character or that we could have stepped more into the private life of the character.

About 40 videos including our video were selected as prize-winning works. I was surprised that many judges made numerous references to our work among them. I learned that to listen to such varied impressions is one of the pleasures of documentary making. As of now our video has not been released publicly. However, if any of you reading this article want to see it, please let me know.

Yasuko Togashi (Undergraduate Research Student)

– Please also see this article (In Japanese only).
Received an Award at the Tokyo Video Festival! (iii MediaStudio News)