November 16, 2017
「 ヒューマンオーグメンテーション (人間拡張)学」( ソニー 寄付講座 )サマースクール開催報告A report on the Summer School “Human Augmentation Studies (endowed chair by Sony)”
キックオフの後半では、ソニーのクリエイティブラウンジにて、専任教員の味八木氏からワークショップに関する説明が行われ、Sony CSLの笠原氏・Sony R&D部門の小林氏から、両氏が取り組んでいるプロジェクトに関しての講演が行われました。特に、笠原氏の取り組みは感覚の拡張というワークショップの趣旨とも合致していることから、活発な議論がおこなわれ参加者を刺激していたように見受けられました。サマースクールのテーマである「感覚の拡張・変換」の意味をとらえるよい手がかりとなっていたのではないでしょうか。
最終日の午後にはダイワハウス石橋信夫記念ホールにて、各班が実装した感覚変換のデモを含めた発表会が行われました。発表では、「他人の視線を触覚として感じることのできるシステム」、「人形に与えられた痛みが遠隔の人に伝わるシステム」、「 鳥肌をEMSによって再現し、ぞわぞわ感を共有するシステム」などユニークなアイデアが披露されました。発表の後はデモの体験会が行われ、体験を交えた活発な議論が行われました。
The University of Tokyo Sony endowed chair in “Human Augmentation Studies” held a 3-day summer school for students from September 21st to 23rd.
The kick-off meeting was held at Sony on the first day. In the first half of the kick-off, participants took a look at the exhibits of new products and technologies at Sony headquarters. In the latter half of the kick-off, at the Sony Creative Lounge, an explanation on the workshop was given from Prof. Miyaki from the course, and Dr. Kasahara of Sony CSL and Mr. Kobayashi of Sony’s R & D department gave a talk about their projects.
The group work session was held at the University of Tokyo’s Daiwa Ubiquitous Academic Research Center on the 2nd and 3rd day of the workshop. Participants were divided into five groups, and active discussions were held on “Which senses and how to convert them” based on the first day lecture and tours. After the discussion, each group carried out implementations for the final presentation using 3D printers, laser cutters, EMS equipment, and other devices.
In the afternoon on the last day, at the Daiwa House Ishibashi Nobuo Memorial Hall, a presentation session including demonstrations was held. Participants gave presentations on unique ideas, such as “a system that can feel the sight line of others as a tactile sense”, “a system in which the pain given to a doll is transmitted to a remote person”, “a system that reproduces goose-bumps by EMS and shares a sense of comfort”. After the presentation, a demonstration experience session was held, in which there was active discussion and sharing of experience.
Text and Photo: Naoki Kimura (MA student)
Proofreading: David Buist (Project senior specialist)
主担当教員Associated Faculty Members
暦本 純一
- 総合分析情報学コース
- Applied computer science course