東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


October 19, 2017

平成29年度 秋季 入学式 ・ ガイダンスAutumn Entrance Ceremony & Guidance 2017




続いて、中尾専攻長からの祝辞では、話題の映画の内容や自身の研究内容でもある「IoX (Internet of X)」、さらに情報学環で展開中の情報社会基盤卓越講義に触れ、時折ジョークを交えながら、学生の「学際」研究への導入を後押しする内容が述べられました。

続く教員からの挨拶では、アジア情報社会コースに関連する教員を中心にそれぞれから一言が述べられ、「Work hard and enjoy」といった力強いメッセージも寄せられました。その後の在校生代表挨拶では、博士課程のMiranda LARSENさんより、学府への歓迎の言葉とともに、「Ask many questions」というアドバイスが送られ、新入生たちは頷きながら、熱心に耳を傾けていました。




佐倉学府長からの式辞では、五神総長の言葉を借り“本物”の「知のプロフェッショナル—Knowledge Professional—」(『東京大学ビジョン2020』より)になって欲しい、と呼びかけました。知識を得るだけではなく、多様な文化や社会の中で様々な経験をすることで知識を適切に実践してほしい、そうすることでその知識が私たちの社会や世界全体をよりよくしていくのである、と述べられました。(式辞全文


GSII Autumn Entrance Ceremony and Orientation

The GSII Autumn Entrance Ceremony and Orientation for newly matriculating students was held at Fukutake Learning Theater on September 20th. It was attended by 23 new students (15 Master’s students and 8 Ph.D. students).

The ceremony began with an address by Dean Sakura, in which he expounded the notion of “interdisciplinarity” and urged students to focus on a specific topic while retaining a broad range of perspectives informed by multiple disciplines with an eye for areas that existing disciplines have overlooked. This message was then reinforced by an address from the Head of Department, Professor Nakao, who made particular mention of his own research on IoX (Internet of X) and the Distinguished Lecture Series on Information Society Infrastructure among other topics of current interest.

The ceremony closed with brief remarks from individual faculty members, especially those involved with the ITASIA Program, and some words of greeting to the new students from Miranda LARSEN (Ph.D. Program), a representative of the existing student body. Among the new students were international students from six different countries. Any initial tension was soon relieved as they became used to their new surroundings and looked forward to their future achievements as students of the GSII.

The University of Tokyo Autumn Entrance Ceremony

The University of Tokyo Autumn Entrance Ceremony was held on September 22nd at Yasuda Auditorium. In his address to the newly matriculated students and others in attendance, University President Gonokami spoke about the necessity for research on media and recounted the history of media studies at the University of Tokyo going back to the 1920s and the establishment of the Research Division for Journalism Studies. This work is now being continued under the auspices of the Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies. (Full text of the address)

Every year one of the deans is chosen to give an address after the President. This year, the task fell on Dean Sakura of the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies. He spoke of the necessity to acquire diverse experience enabling the application of knowledge in society. As set out in “The University of Tokyo Vision 2020”, students are to become well-rounded “knowledge professionals,” not just experts in a specific field. (Full text of the address)

The ceremony was completed by musical performances by members of the University of Tokyo Orchestra and pledges by representatives of the new students.

Text: Kiyokazu Sasaki (Academic affairs division) and Miho Okada (Dean’s executive assistant)
Translation: David Buist (Project senior specialist)