August 31, 2017
Imagine Cup
2017年7月24日と25日の二日間、アメリカはシアトルにて開催されたMicrosoft主催「Imagine Cup」世界大会に、日本代表として東京大学大学院からNeuroVoiceチームが出場しました。
Imagine Cup は、2003年に始まった世界最大規模の学生向け IT コンテストです。この10 年間で、190を超える国から、延べ165万人以上の学生が参加しています。本年度の世界大会では、39ヶ国の予選を勝ち抜いた53チームが参加しました。
NeuroVoiceチームのメンバーは、佐藤邦彦(学際情報学府修士2年、暦本研)、早川顕生(情報理工学研究科修士2年、原田・牛久研)、廣畑功志(工学系研究科修士2年、設計工学研)の3名です。当チームは、Deep Neural Networkを駆使して、あらゆる人の声真似を可能にするソフトウェア「NeuroVoice」を開発してきました。NeuroVoiceを使えば、例えば、ビルゲイツの声をマイケルジャクソンの声色に変えることができます。
Imagine Cup世界大会を通して、世界中のチームと交流することができました。大会の会場にはメディアの取材やカメラが至るところにあり、世界最大級のITコンテストの盛り上がりを肌で感じることができました。また、大会当日だけでなく、それまでの準備においても、世界を意識したプロダクト作りやプレゼンテーション作成を行うことができ、貴重な経験になりました。
NeuroVoice team from the University of Tokyo participated in “Imagine Cup 2017” world championship, which hosted by Microsoft and held in Seattle, as representative of Japan for two days from July 24th 2017.
Imagine Cup is the world’s largest student technology competition which began in 2003. It has steadily grown in size with more than 1.65 million competitors representing 190 countries and regions over the past 10 years. In this year, 53 teams from 39 countries participated in the competition.
Members of NeuroVoice team are Kunihiko Sato (Master in GSII, Rekimoto Laboratory), Akio Hayakawa (Master in Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Harada Ushiku Laboratory), Koji Hirohata (Master in Graduate School of Engineering, Design Engineering Laboratory). This team has developed the software “NeuroVoice” to enable voice imitation of any person by Deep Neural Network. Using NeuroVoice, for example you can turn Bill Gates’ voice into Michael Jackson’s.
There was the Japan preliminary competition held prior to the world championship. The style of Japan preliminary competition was presentations in English and demonstration. NeuroVoice team was crowned the champion of the competition and selected as Japanese delegates from over 120 applications.
The world championship was held in the building of the Microsoft head office in Seattle, Washington, USA. It was conducted as a tournament system with the winning team decided after the first and second round, the semi-final, and the final. The style of the first round was a tech show and then a pitch after the second round.
Unfortunately, the NeuroVoice team lost at the first round. However it was able to attract attention; for example, getting interviews from famous media such as BBC and a discovery channel from Canada. The article was also written about NeuroVoice posted on the United States’ leading web media (article).
Through the Imagine Cup world championship, we were able to interact with teams all over the world. Interview crews and cameras were everywhere at the competition venue, and we could feel the excitement of the world’s largest IT contest. It was a valuable experience to create products and make presentations with a view for dispatching our product to the world.
This article was written by Kunihiko Sato (MA student)