東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


July 7, 2017

平成30年度 学府 入試説明会 開催報告A report on orientation for the 2018 GSII entrance examination







表現コース稲見研特任研究員の脇坂崇平さんは、とても不思議な体験をさせる代替現実(Subsititutional Reality)の研究を紹介してくれました(動画)。ユーザに、ヘッドマウントディスプレイ、ヘッドフォン、ライブカメラ、方位センサのついた特殊な装置をかぶせると、ユーザに提示される視覚・音声情報が、完全に操作可能な状態になります。その状態で、現在のライブの映像・音声と過去に撮影しておいたものとを交互に繰り返し体験させると、ユーザはそのうちに今見ている映像が過去の映像なのか、現実なのか、分からなくなって、時間認知に影響を与えることができます。さながら、覚醒しながら夢を見ている様な体験です。この新しい装置により、人間の認知・心理の新しい知見が得られる可能性を示しています。




On June 10th, 2017, orientation for the 2018 entrance exam of GSII (Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies) was held at Fukutake hall on Hongo campus. The atmosphere at the meeting was enthusiastic, and more than 360 students participated.

Introduction of GSII and its courses
The dean and the chairperson gave opening speeches about Gakkan’s mission, structure, and history of the courses. Course directors then gave introductions for each course, and discussed what it means to be interdisciplinary, how to handle information, and how to interact with society. The news of this year is the establishment of the Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Course, which will start receiving students in the academic year of 2018 with the aim of educating experts who can design, collect and analyze clinical investigation data statistically.

Exhibition of laboratories
There were exhibitions from individual laboratories in both the arts and sciences. This article introduces presentations highlighting several students and one researcher.

Satoshi Yamauchi, a first-year Ph.D candidate at Hiraki Lab in the Cultural and Human Studies Course, is trying to change the methodology of infant studies by utilizing a digital dummy (video) which can measure the strength of suckling. The cognitive abilities of babies (eyesight, perception of color, space, etc.) are analyzed in general by observing their passive reactions (e.g., gaze duration). However, the digital dummy is an actively manipulative tool for babies. When babies have manipulative power to experiment, how do they act, and do their cognitive abilities grow by learning those actions? Satoshi is trying to answer these challenging questions through his research.

Akira Matsuda, a first-year Ph.D candidate at Rekimoto Lab in the Applied Computer Science Course, introduced his telepresence robot, ScalableBody, whose height adaptively varies to the conversational counterpart(website). There is a camera with 360-degree field-of-view and a display that shows the user’s face, attached on top of a structure whose height is variable from 75 cm to 2 m, and the whole body is on a mobile platform. With this robot, a user can look around and walk beside people in remote locations, having eye-to-eye communication. Akira is interested in methods that facilitate communications not only by releasing physical constraints but also by augmenting human’s physical ability (e.g., height, field-of-view, etc).

Nobuyuki Kim, a second-year Master student at Mitani Lab in the Socio-information and Communication Studies Course, is reexamining the actor-network theory proposed by Bruno Latour, a French sociologist and anthropologist. The mainstream of sociological theories targets humans (e.g., individual, crowd) as the fundamental element of the structure of social phenomena, but the actor-network theory handles non-humans, such as machines, animals, nature, as “actors” that are equally constitutive of social phenomena. Nobuyuki is first trying to map the theory from a historical perspective, and then evaluate it as a sociological methodology using knowledge from the philosophy of science. He is motivated by the idea that modern society cannot be fully explained unless we take into account non-human factors such as drastic technological change.

Sohei Wakisaka, a project researcher at Inami Lab in the Emerging Design and Informatics Course, who used to work at Riken, introduced us to his research about the strange and wonderful world of substitutional reality (video). When a user puts on a helmet with a head-mount display, headphones, camera, and orientation sensor, the visual and audio inputs to him/her can be fully controlled. With this device, Sohei found that by letting a user experience past and present scenes alternately and repetitively, he/she looses sense of whether he/she is seeing past or present scenes, and their time cognition is impacted. The experience is like dreaming while awake. With this new device, we may be able to collect further knowledge about cognition and psychology.

I also had an interview with professors at the new course on biostatistics and bioinformation studies. Particularly in Japan, many problems arise because of the lack of biostatisticians with expert knowledge on how to analyze data from new drug trials and other medical investigations, and this slows down the development of life science in Japan. The new course is recruiting students who know the basics of statistics and have a high motivation for health care.

Text: Rei Kawakami(Assistant professor)
Photo: Takeo Hamada(Assistant professor)
Proofreading: David Buist(Project senior specialist)