2025・2026年度(2025年10月又は2026年4月入学)外国人研究生出願要項Guidelines for those wishing to become International Research Students in the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies (for entry in October 2025 or April 2026)
大学院外国人研究生制度とは、外国人であって、本学府において、特定の研究テーマについて、指導教員のもとで研究しようとする者のプログラムです。 このプログラムでは、学位・資格等は得られません。また、所定の手続きを踏んで許可されない限り、学際情報学府の講義、演習及び実験等に出席することはできません。
This program is for students from overseas wishing to conduct research on a specific topic under the supervision of a faculty member affiliated with the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies. No degrees or qualifications are conferred on students in this program. Furthermore, students in this program are not eligible to attend any lectures, seminars, or practical classes in the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, without first obtaining permission through the specified procedure.
1.在学期間1.Period of Enrollment
ただし、研究上の必要がある場合には、願い出により原則として総在学期間が1 年以内の範囲に限り、在学期間の延長が許可されることがあります。
The period of enrollment is six months. However, extensions may be granted in cases where it is judged necessary for the student’s research. In principle, the total period of enrollment (i.e., the initial 6 months plus any extensions) will not exceed one year.
2.出願資格2.Requirements for Eligibility
- 大学を卒業した者または外国人研究生として入学するまでに卒業見込みの者
- 外国において学校教育における16年の課程を修了した者または外国人研究生として入学するまでに修了見込みの者
- 外国の大学その他の外国の学校(注1)において、修業年限が3年以上である課程を修了すること(注2)により、学士の学位に相当する学位を授与された者または入学時期の前月末(2025年10月入学の場合は2025年9月30日、2026年4月入学の場合は2026年3月31日)までに授与される見込みの者
- 本学府が大学を卒業した者と同等以上の学力があると認めた者
(注1) その教育研究活動等の総合的な状況について、当該外国の政府または関係機関の認証を受けた者による評価を受けたものまたはこれに準ずるものとして文部科学大臣が別に指定するものに限る。
(注2) 当該外国の学校が行う通信教育における授業科目を我が国において履修することにより当該課程を修了すること及び当該外国の学校教育制度において位置付けられた教育施設であって文部科学大臣の指定を受けたものにおいて課程を修了することを含む。
Applicants must be of non-Japanese nationality and fulfill at least one of the following requirements in order to be considered eligible to apply to become International Research Students in this graduate school:
- Those who have already graduated from a university, or expect to have graduated by the time of their enrollment as international research students.
- Those who have completed at least 16 years of school education in a foreign country, or expect to have completed the same by the time of their enrollment as international research students.
- Those who have received a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent from a university or school outside of Japan (Note 1) requiring at least 3 years for completion (Note 2), or expect to have received the same no later than September 30, 2025 (for entry in October 2025) or no later than March 31, 2026 (for entry in April 2026).
- Those whom this Graduate School has recognized as having abilities that are at least equivalent to those who have graduated from a university.
However, those already enrolled as international research students at the University of Tokyo (including the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies) are not eligible to apply for this program, even if they fulfill one or more of the above conditions.
(Note 1)
Institutions that have been evaluated by the government or by persons who have the approval of relevant organizations or designated separately to be an equivalent by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
(Note 2)
Includes completion of correspondence courses in the specific subject from a school in said country while resident in Japan or completion of a program at an educational institution in Japan that is part of the school education system of the specific country and that is separately designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
If you to intend to apply under Eligibility Requirement 4 in the above list, please contact Gakumu Team(Academic Affairs Division) by e-mail (gakumu@iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp) before making an application. If you wish to enroll in October 2025, you must contact us by 4 p.m. (Japan Time) on February 14th 2025 (Friday). If you wish to enroll in April 2026, you must contact us by 4 p.m. (Japan Time) on August 15th 2025 (Friday).
3.入学時期、出願期間および選考結果通知時期3.Application Deadlines and Periods of Enrollment
入学時期 | 2025年10月 |
出願期間 | 2025年4月1日(火)~2025年4月25日(金)午前11:59(日本時間) |
選考結果通知時期 | 2025年6月下旬 |
入学時期 | 2026年 4月 |
出願期間 | 2025年10月1日(水)~2025年10月30日(木)午前11:59(日本時間) |
選考結果通知時期 | 2025年12月下旬 |
Those wishing to become international research students may apply to enroll in either April or October.
Applications for entry in October 2025 are accepted from April 1st until April 25th 11:59AM(JST). The period of enrollment is 6 months until March 2026. Applications arriving on April 25th 12:00 or later will not be considered. Results of the selection process will be announced in late June.
Applications for entry in April 2026 are accepted from October 1st until October 30th 11:59AM(JST). The period of enrollment is 6 months until September 2026. Applications arriving on October 30th 12:00 or later will not be considered. Results of the selection process will be announced in late December.
*Applications will not be processed unless all the required documents are submitted by the deadline.
4.出願手続4.Application Procedure
大学院外国人研究生として入学を希望する者は、次の書類を本学府に提出することが必要です。 提出された書類は、返却いたしません。また、提出する証明書は、日本語又は英語によることを原則としますが、やむを得ない事情により、他の言語の証明書を提出する場合は、和訳又は英訳した文書を添付してください。なお、出願に先立ち、指導を希望する教員と連絡をとることは必須ではありません。PDFファイルを閲覧、またはファイルに記入するにはAdobe Acrobat Readerが必要です。Adobeサイト(https://adobe.com/jp/)からダウンロードをしてください。
1) 大学院外国人研究生入学願書(所定様式)※写真は画像データを貼り付けること
2) 研究計画書(所定様式)
3) 留学計画書(所定様式)
4) 出身大学の卒業証明書
5) 出身大学の成績証明書
6) 出身大学または大学院の学長、学部長、学科主任、指導教員またはこれに準ずる教員等の署名入り推薦書1通(電子署名可)
7) 日本語能力証明書(所定様式 ※入学願書提出締切前6ヶ月以内に作成されたもの)
8) 在留カードの写し (現在、日本国に在住している者のみ提出すること)
9) 写真(縦4cm×横3cm)2枚 ※1枚は画像データとして願書に貼付すること
10) 検定料9,800円の納付が確認できる書類
e-支払いサイト – e-shiharai.net
11) 選考結果連絡先シート (所定様式)
13)(任意提出)英語試験成績証明書等(TOEFL iBT)の公式スコアシート、TOEICの公式認定証,IELTSの公式成績証明書等の写し)
- 全ての提出書類を1つのPDFにまとめて指定のURLにアップロードする。
- (合格者のみ)「④出身大学の卒業証明書」および「⑤出身大学の成績証明書」の原本は合格決定後、入学手続期限までに学務チームあてに郵送すること。(合格者に別途連絡予定)
Applicants wishing to enter the university as international research students must submit the documents listed below. Documents submitted will not be returned to the applicant. In principle, all submitted certificates must be in either English or Japanese. If a certificate in either of these languages cannot be provided, a certificate in another language may be submitted so long as it is accompanied by an English or Japanese translation. It is not mandatory to make contact with a GSII faculty member prior to applying.
To open PDF files and fill in your own information, you need to use Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded from the official Adobe website (https://www.adobe.com).
(1) Documents to be submitted (Official forms can be downloaded as PDFs from the website. Please fill in the necessary information and submit the file.):
1) Graduate School Application for International Research Students (Please use the official PDF form)
*Please do not forget to write the contact person in Japan.
2) Research Proposal (Please use the official PDF form)
3) Plan of Student Life in Japan (Please use the official PDF form)
(In some cases, students may be assigned a faculty supervisor different from the preference stated in the research proposal.)
4) Degree certificate from the university previously attended (or certificate indicating expected graduation).
*Certificates must be endorsed by the issuing university with the official stamp or seal. Uncertified copies are not acceptable.
*Those who have graduated from universities outside of Japan are required to submit a certificate that clearly indicates the name of the degree obtained.
*Those who have not yet graduated from their course of study at the time of application are required to submit an authorized statement of anticipated graduation.
*Those with graduate degrees should also submit certificates thereof.
5) Transcript of Grades from the university previously attended.
(Those with graduate degrees should also submit graduate school transcripts.)
*Transcripts must be endorsed by the issuing university with the official stamp or seal. Uncertified copies are not acceptable.
6) One signed Letter of Recommendation from a college president, dean, head of department, supervisor, or an equivalent faculty member of the university previously attended.(Electronic Signature is available)
7) Certificate of Proficiency in the Japanese Language (Please use the official PDF form. The form must be completed no earlier than six months before the application deadline).
(Applicants who have passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test may submit their score report instead so long as it was not taken more than six months earlier.)
*Graduates of Japanese universities need not submit evidence of proficiency in the Japanese language.
8) A copy of Residence Card or Certificate of Alien Registration (for applicants already residing in Japan)
9) 2 ID photographs (4cmX3cm). One ID photograph should be affixed as image data into the application form.
10) A document proving that the Examination Fee of ¥9,800 has been paid.
*The examination fee must be paid by one of the following methods: (1) bank transfer, (2) convenience store payment, or (3) credit card. In all cases, all transaction fees (charged by the bank or credit card company) must be paid by the applicant him or herself.
*However, applicants on Japanese Government (MEXT) scholarships are exempt from the examination fee.
Details on how to make your payment are described separately. (See “How to Pay the Application Fee”)
- Request for bank transfer (Japanese)
- How to make a Payment of Examination Fee by Credit Card(Japanese)
Please start the procedure from here.
11) Contact Information Sheet (Please use the official PDF form)
12) Research achievements (Bachelor’s thesis, Master’s thesis, or other academic works)
13) Certificate of English language test results (e.g. a copy of TOEFL-iBT Official Score Report, TOEIC Official Score Certificate, or IELTS Test Report Form, etc.)
(2) How to Apply
The application documents must be submitted by upload to the URL specified below. Only documents in the specified formats can be processed. Documents sent by e-mail will not be processed.
1) All documents must be combined into a single PDF file and uploaded to the specified URL.
The file name of the PDF should be the name of the applicant (e.g. John Smith.pdf).
We do not accept files uploaded out of the specified period.
Those wishing to enter the university in October 2025 are permitted to upload their applications from April 1st until April 25th 11:59AM(JST), 2025. Applications for entry in October 2025 should be uploaded to the following URL:
*The URL will be open during the application period.
Those wishing to enter the university in April 2026 are permitted to upload their applications from October 1st until October 30th 11:59AM(JST) , 2025. Applications for entry in April 2026 should be uploaded to the following URL:
*The URL will be open during the application period.
2) If your application is successful, you will be required to submit an official authorized copy of your previous university transcript to the Academic Affairs Division by postal mail. (You will be informed of the outcome of your application separately.)
5.選考方法5.Selection Process
Applicants will be selected on the basis of the documents submitted. Decisions will be made by a committee of this graduate school.
6.合格者の発表6.Announcement of Results
All applicants will be notified of the outcome of the selection process. Notices will be sent to the email address recorded on the Contact Information Sheet submitted as part of the application. Successful applicants will receive an official notice of permission to enroll. Unsuccessful applicants will receive notices via email. Please note that inquiries about the selection process and results are not accepted.
7.入学手続7. Enrollment Procedure
入学時期は 4月および10月であり、途中入学は、原則として認めません。
(1) 入学手続期間、入学手続書類などについては、あらかじめ入学を許可された者に通知します。
(2) 授業料等の諸費用は次の通りです。すべて入学手続期間中に支払うことになります。
1. 入学料 84,600円 (2024年度額)
2. 授業料
2025年 10 月入学 (在学期間 6か月)173,400円
2026年 4 月入学(在学期間 6 か月)173,400円
Enrollment takes place in either April or October. As a rule, enrollment at any other time is not permitted.
Successful applicants will receive official notification of when and how to complete the enrollment procedure.
Fees and other expenses are as follows. Matriculation and Tuition fees must be paid in full at the time of enrollment.
Admission fee 84,600yen (as of 2024)
Those who enroll from October 2025 to March 2026 (for 6 months) are required to pay 173,400yen.
Those who enroll from April 2026 to September 2026 (for 6 months) are required to pay 173,400yen.
The fees quoted above are the currently planned amounts. In the event of any revision, whether at the time of enrollment or during the period of enrollment, the revised amounts will become applicable immediately.
8.各種書類8. Documents
- 出願要項(PDF.315KB)
- 大学院外国人研究生入学願書(PDF.241KB)
- 研究計画書 (PDF.115KB)
- 留学計画書 (PDF.162KB)
- 日本語学力証明書(PDF.176KB)
- 選考結果連絡先シート (PDF.90KB)
- Guidelines for Applicants (Japanese) (PDF.315KB)
- Graduate School Application for International Research Students (PDF.241KB)
- Research Proposal (Japanese) (PDF.115KB)
- Plan of Studies in Japan (PDF.162KB)
- Certificate of Proficiency in the Japanese (PDF.176KB)
- Contact Information Sheet for Notification of Selection Result (PDF.90KB)
9.教員リスト9. List of Faculty
- 教員リスト(PDF.128KB)
- list of Faculty (PDF.128KB)
10.参考10. Reference Document
関連情報(国費、中国赴)Related Information(MEXT Scholarship)
2025年度(2025 年4月・10 月入学)大使館推薦日本政府(文部科学省)奨学金留学生の「大学受入内諾書」(Letter of Acceptance)の申請方法How to request “Letter of Acceptance” for MEXT scholarship (For entry in April and October 2025)
How to Request “Letter of Acceptance” for MEXT Scholarship(PDF.293KB)
If you would like to obtain “Letter of Acceptance” for MEXT scholarship, first of all, you must pass the Preliminary Selection Examination given by the Japanese Embassy / Consulate General in your home country. After passing Preliminary Selection Examination, you are requested to take steps as indicated in this pdf file.
How to Request “Letter of Acceptance” for MEXT scholarship(PDF.293KB)
Application Form
Application Deadline
We will accept your application by August 9th, 2024.
2025年度(2025年4月・10 月入学)中国赴日本政府(文部科学省)奨学金留学生の「大学受入内諾書」(Letter of Acceptance)の申請方法How to request “Letter of Acceptance” for MEXT scholarship for Chinese Students (For entry in April and October 2025)
How to Request “Letter of Acceptance” for MEXT Scholarship for Chinese Students(PDF.290KB)
If you would like to obtain “Letter of Acceptance” for MEXT scholarship, first of all, you must pass the Preliminary Selection Examination given by the Japanese Embassy / Consulate General in your home country. After passing Preliminary Selection Examination, you are requested to take steps as indicated in this pdf file.
How to Request “Letter of Acceptance” for MEXT Scholarship for Chinese Students(PDF.290KB)
Application Form
Application Deadline
We will accept your application by August 30th, 17:00 2024(JST).
In principle, all submitted certificates must be in either English or Japanese. If a certificate in either of these languages cannot be provided, a certificate in another language may be submitted so long as it is accompanied by an English or Japanese translation.