東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


注意事項(必読) Notes (must-read)

学際情報学府の教育研究上の目的Academic Objectives



The Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies (GSII) provides an interdisciplinary and practical learning environment based on the organic integration of areas of research and education related to information in different departments throughout the University of Tokyo. Its aim is to equip students with information processing skills required in various fields of the advanced information society and to nurture a deep intellectual awareness of the social significance and function of information technologies. Besides readying students for diverse professions requiring practical information literacy, it also trains students to become researchers and artists working at the frontiers of interdisciplinary information studies.

Applications are sought for both the Master’s and Ph.D. programs. Whilst most students enter the Master’s programs soon after obtaining a Bachelor’s degree, special provision has also been made for the recruitment of people with professional working experience to the Master’s program. This special application process (which exists along side the general application process for the Master’s programs) puts particular emphasis on candidates’ practical experience and career objectives.Students from outside Japan may also apply for non-degree student status in the International Research Student Program.

学際情報学府の求める学生像 (修士課程)The Kind of Students Sought (Master’s)

  • 情報現象についての文理を越境する幅広い視野と、社会情報学からコンピュータ科学までの高度な専門的能力とを、同時に習得したいという高い意欲を有する人
  • 情報学のフロントランナーとして、未知の問題の解決に向けて独創的かつ文理融合的なスタンスで取り組むことができる人。
  • 既成の概念にとらわれない新鮮な着想力を持つ人。

The GSII seeks applications to its Master’s programs from:

  • those who desire to explore the breadth of perspectives on information while at the same time developing an intimate understanding of one specialized field (selected from a diverse range that includes socio-information studies and computer science).
  • those who possess the ability to take the lead by tackling previously unknown issues from a creative interdisciplinary perspective.
  • those whose imaginative capacities are not bound by existing concepts.

学際情報学府の求める学生像(博士課程)The Kind of Students Sought (Ph.D.)

  • 情報に関連するさまざまな現象について、文理を越境する幅広い視野と知的好奇心を持つ人。
  • 研究テーマを学問的に展開させるための専門的能力を有し、それをさらに深める意欲を有する人。
  •  既成の概念にとらわれない新鮮な着想力と、斬新な研究をやり遂げる堅実な実行力を持つ人。
  • 情報学のフロントランナーとして、未知の問題の解決に向けて独創的かつ文理融合的なスタンスで取り組むことができる人。
The GSII seeks applications to its doctoral programs from:
  • those with a broad intellectual curiosity about diverse information-related phenomena.
  • those who have specialized intellectual skills and the motivation necessary to develop their own topic to an advanced level.
  • those whose imaginative capacities are not bound by existing concepts while also being able to conduct sound and original research projects.
  • those who possess the ability to take the lead by tackling previously unknown issues from a creative interdisciplinary perspective.

情報学環教育部研究生制度Undergraduate Research Student Program




This is a unique 2-year program designed to provide systematic training in information studies for people wishing to deepen their knowledge of information, media and communications.

Lectures are generally held in the evenings (from 14:45 onwards) in order to enable students enrolled in other departments to participate in the program simultaneously with their regular university courses. In accordance with the founding ideal of the III, the Undergraduate Research Student Program establishes much needed horizontal linkages among the many vertically divided departments and fields of study in the university, creating a fresh and lively learning environment for students from diverse backgrounds. (Further details are given elsewhere on this page.)

Applications are accepted from anyone who has received at least one year of university education (at the University of Tokyo or elsewhere) regardless of whether they are full-time students or already in employment.