東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


OKIユビキタスサービス学寄付講座 OKI Ubiquitous Services Project

構成機関 東京大学大学院情報学環、沖電気工業株式会社(OKI)
設置年月 2007年4月
研究内容 「ユビキタスサービスが起こすイノベーション」と「ユビキタスサービスの普及課題」に関する体系的考察と実践的考証
Participating Organizations Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies (III)Oki Electric Industry Co.
Period of Operation April 2007-
Outline of Activities This project develops technology for the innovation of ubiquitous services and conducts research on how to distribute and organize such services.

社会イノベーションと普及課題についての体系的・実証的研究Systematic empirical research for the innovation and promulgation of ubiquitous information services




20100609-okiThis project develops technology for the innovation of ubiquitous services and conducts systematic and empirical research aimed at understanding how such services can be distributed and organized in society. It was established in April 2007, and is supported by Oki Electric Industry Co. as part of that company’s vision for an “e-society rich in ubiquitous services”.

Development is proceeding rapidly to realize the technological prerequisites for the formation of a ubiquitous information society. This includes the development of devices such as electronic tags, sensor networks, and IC cards, as well as advanced user interfaces incorporating the techniques of enhanced reality and complex reality. We have now reached the stage where real-world applications of these technologies are diffusing throughout society.

The aim of this project is to conduct research and education on the technologies and institutional arrangements that will best fulfill the promise of ubiquitous services based on sensors and networks embedded in the environment and everyday objects. In particular, research is being carried out on both the technology and social consciousness underlying ubiquitous service models in such areas as locational information services, medical information, and product traceability.