東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III/GSII


電通コミュニケーション・ダイナミクス寄付講座 Dentsu Communications Dynamics Project

構成機関 東京大学大学院情報学環、株式会社電通
設置年月 平成19年度(2007年4月)~平成21年度(2010年3月)
研究内容 メディアやコミュニケーションの変容に伴う、それらの経済価値、倫理価値、文化価値、テクノロジーに関する課題の学際的総合研究
Participating Organizations Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies (III)Dentsu Inc.
Period of Operation April 2007 – March 2010
Outline of Activities This project designs social structures harmonized with ICT from the overall perspective of media, communication and eco-systems.

変動するメディア環境のエコシステム(生態系)の総合的研究Integrated research on ecosystems of the changing media environment





This project is engaged in wide-ranging research on ecosystems of changing media and communications. It was begun in April 2007 as a result of a grant from Dentsu Inc.

The media and communication environment is currently undergoing a major transformation as a result of numerous changes in information technology and the media industry, the ubiquitization of information, and alterations in people’s media consumption behavior. In response to these changes, this project analyzes and designs new value criteria for communications in the age of digital media, with a particular emphasis on four principal areas: “economic values”, “ethical values”, “cultural values” and “technology”. This research benefits greatly from the experience of interdisciplinary research on media and communications gained as a result of the merger of the III with the Institute of Socio-information and Communication Studies (ISICS) and is further complemented by the fresh insight of younger researchers in the III.

20100609-dcomBesides gaining an overall picture of social changes supported by media and communications in the complex digital age, this project also proposes ways to create harmony between society and technology. In addition, it is playing an active role in the design of future social communication structures through the formation of networks for academic research.

 The term of this project ended in March 2010.






Dentsu Communications Dynamics Project (Japanese Only)


In this project, critical research is conducted on media and communication ecosystems, and ideas are developed for the design of an information society in harmony with the development of technology.

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Dentsu Inc.