構成機関 | 東京大学大学院情報学環、株式会社ベネッセコーポレーション |
設置年月 | 平成16年度(2004年4月)~ 平成24年度(2013年3月) |
研究内容 | モバイル・ユビキタス技術を利用した学習環境の構築、学習文脈情報を利用した教育システムの構築、教育コンテンツの動的生成・Web2.0的学習環境の構築 |
Participating Organizations | Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies (III) Benesse Corporation |
Period of Operation | April 2004 – March 2013 |
Outline of Activities | This project investigates ways to create learning environments suited to individual learners’ circumstances through the use of advanced ICT.Development of a ubiquitous mobile technology-based learning environment. |
学習者ひとりひとりの文脈に対応した学習支援環境の設計と実現Designing and implementing learning environments to suit individual learners’ needs
BEAT is a project aimed at developing learning environments suited to individual learner’s circumstances through the use of leading-edge technologies. It was established in April 2004 as a result of a grant from Benesse Corporation.
Numerous initiatives are currently being pursued with a major emphasis on the educational use of cellular phones and other mobile terminals at the III. This research has three main themes: “ubiquitous” (developing learning environments using ubiquitous mobile technology), “context” (developing educational systems using contextual information), and “contents” (developing systems for the dynamic production of educational contents and learning environments based on Web 2.0).
BEAT is linked organically with the educational activities of the GSII and encourages active graduate student involvement in research projects and social outreach initiatives including public lectures. It provides a foundation for learning about advanced educational technology.
BEAT is closely associated with the Benesse Corporation’s research and development activities in the educational field. The results of its research will thus have a direct impact on the provision of education services suited to future needs.
As a highly productive partnership between Japan’s largest private educational corporation and a leading-edge research and educational institution, BEAT is contributing greatly to the promotion of advanced technological applications in the educational field.

- 協賛団体
- メッセージ
- 僕はいかに人間が幸せに生きるかというのがすべての学問のテーマだと思っているんだけれども、今の研究は、研究そのものが目的化している。しかし、その点、学際性のある情報学環というところには、いろいろな違う価値観が集まっていて、そこで本当は何が正しいんだという問いを発しながら研究が進められていく可能性があると思う。
代表取締役会長 兼 CEO
Benesse Department of Educational Advanced Technology (BEAT)
The aim of BEAT is social innovation in learning environments through the application of the latest information and communication technologies. New learning possibilities are opened up, and highly practical and original research is being developed.
- Partner(s)
- Message
- “It is my belief that the ultimate goal of all scholarship should be the maximization of human happiness. Much of the research being conducted nowadays seems to concern itself more with the act of research itself, rather than remaining true to its ultimate purpose. When scholars from diverse backgrounds come together, such as they do at the III, the potential for research aimed at ultimate values would seem to be enhanced.”
Soichiro Fukutake, Chairman & CEO of Benesse Corporation