東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII


August 7, 2016

カルチュラル・タイフーン2016Cultural Typhoon 2016

2016年7月2-3日、カルチュラル・タイフーン2016(カルチュラル・スタディーズ学会主催)「それを感じられるか?Can You Feel It ? ー グローバル化する都市への文化的介入」が東京藝術大学上野キャンパスで開催された。800名以上の参加者を集めた同会は、学環・学府の教員・出身者・院生の活躍の場でもあった。



国際的に著名な研究者の基調演説を始め、院生や若手研究者のパネルディスカッションや芸術と社会のつながりを図る活動を紹介するブース展示など、当日は多種多様なイベントがとり行われた。パネルの例を一つ取り上げると、「建築・メディア・ポリテクス: ミュージアムの拡張戦略とイメージ構築」では、学際情報学府博士課程に在籍している潘夢斐と藤嶋陽子、学際情報学府出身で現在関西大学社会学部教授の村田麻里子氏、東京経済大学コミュニケーション学部准教授の光岡寿郎氏が様々な角度からミュージアムの持つ社会的意味について発表し、活発な議論を行った。




カルチュラル・タイフーン2016は国際的な知の蓄積と活性化、研究者に限らない様々なアクター間でのネットワーク作り、また学術界の知見を社会に広める場を提供した。2016年9月22日-25日の間には、カルチュラル・タイフーンの理念に共感する若手研究者を中心として、オーストリア・ウィーン大学で「Places and Spaces of Cultural Production in East Asia」と題した研究大会が開催される。

記事:潘 夢斐、近藤和都

During July 2nd and 3rd, 2016, Cultural Typhoon 2016: Can You Feel It? Cultural Intervention in Globalising Cities, was held at Ueno Campus, The Tokyo University of the Arts. Attracting more than 800 participants, it also saw great engagement with iii/GSII faculty members and students.

Started from 2002, Cultural Typhoon has been organizing its annual international conferences and journal, The Annual Review of Cultural Studies. This year, 14th year in its history, featured art and cultural practices with a particular focus on practices related to society, formations of city and globalization.

Logistically supported by the labs of Prof. Mori Yoshitaka (Tokyo University of the Arts) and Prof. Yoshimi Shunya (iii/GSII, University of Tokyo), it received more than 200 paper/panel/project work (performance, workshop, etc.) applications covering an array of topics from both within Japan and abroad.

As a grand event involving diverse activities, this year not only highlighted keynote speeches from distinguished professors but also panels by young scholars and booths introducing socially engaged activities. One panel, Architecture, Media, and Politics: Expansion Strategies and Image Construction of Museums in Contemporary Society, organized by Pan Mengfei and Fujishima Yoko, two Ph.D. students from GSII, Murata Mariko (alumni of GSII; professor, Kansai University) and Mitsuoka Toshiro (associate professor, Tokyo Keizai University), presented and heatedly discussed over the meaning of museums from different angels.

The panel developed a consensus over the increasingly ambiguous boundary between education and entertainment when entertainment elements have been proactively introduced into museums that have been long employed as a place for education. From their individual perspectives, the panelists called for new theoretical efforts to understand contemporary museums. Prof. Yoshimi also joined the discussions and argued that it was not a dilemma limited to museums but shared widely, especially with universities.

In addition to panels, the booth area presenting varying socially engaged activities also attracted visitors. One booth was dedicated to 5: Designing Media Ecology, a bi-lingual magazine (Japanese and English) in the field of media and communications edited by Mizukoshi Shin and Sakura Osamu, Professors from iii/GSII.

At the neighboring booth exhibited “Telephonoscope” that collects oral stories about the Uneo area from the booth visitors and plots them onto a map. Co-organized by Mizukoshi Shin and researchers from Japan and Finland, this was a part of a digital storytelling project, “Storyplacing”.

Cultural Typhoon has been accumulating and stimulating knowledge, developing network across different sector and the globe, and endeavoring to make academic contributions widely open to the society. The next event will be “Places and Spaces of Cultural Production in East Asia”, 22nd to 25th September 2016, at the University of Vienna, Austria.

Photo credit: Prof. Mizukoshi Shin
東京大学情報学環長・学際情報学府長 佐倉統教授
東京藝術大学 毛利嘉孝教授
東京大学情報学環・学際情報学府 水越伸教授

From left: Prof. Sakura Osamu (director of iii/GSII, University of Tokyo)
Prof. Mori Yoshitaka (Tokyo University of the Arts)
Prof. Mizukoshi Shin (iii/GSII, University of Tokyo)

Photo credit: Jiewon Song
パネル「建築・メディア・ポリテクス: ミュージアムの拡張戦略とイメージ構築」会場
Panel, Architecture, Media, and Politics: Expansion Strategies and Image Construction of Museums in Contemporary Society