東京大学大学院 情報学環・学際情報学府 The University of Tokyo III / GSII


情報学環教育部・修了者向け情報 For former URSP students

証明書交付申請方法Issue of Certificates


(Information on the issuing of certificates to currently enrolled students can be obtained from the internal portal site.)

1.窓口にて申請する場合1. When applying at the reception desk

○ 「証明書交付願」(PDF.55KB)に必要事項を記入し、学務チーム窓口に提出してください。

○ 郵送による受領を希望する場合は、返信用封筒(現住所および本人氏名を明記し、切手(郵便料金は下記参照)を貼付)も併せて提示してください。

○ 代理の方が受領する場合は、本人作成の「委任状」(PDF.40KB)と代理人の身分証明書の提示が必要です。

【申請・受領日】 平日(土・日・祝祭日・年末年始・夏季休業日を除く)

【申請・受領時間】 10:00~12:00、13:00~16:00

【場所】 大学院情報学環学務チーム

【アクセス】 情報学環本館1F

○ Please fill in the required Application Form for Issue of Certificate (Japanese) (PDF.55KB) and submit it to the reception desk of the Academic Affairs Division.

○ If you want to receive your certificate by mail, please submit a stamped self-addressed envelope. Please make sure that your name and address is shown clearly.

○ If you want your certificate to be received by an agent acting on your behalf, a Proxy Form (Japanese) (PDF.40KB) filled in by yourself must also be submitted along with the agent’s ID.

Reception Hours: 10:00-12:00, 13:00-16:00 Mondays through Fridays (except public holidays, the New Year period, and summer break)

Location: Academic Affairs Division, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies

Access: First Floor, III Main Building

2.郵便で申請する場合2. When applying by mail


○ 下記①から③を下記宛先までお送りください。

① 証明書発行願 (PDF.55KB)

② (郵送による受領を希望する場合のみ)返信用封筒(÷現住所および本人氏名を明記の上、切手(郵便料金は、下記参照)を貼付 ※本人宛のみ郵送可能。

③ 身分証明書のコピー

※ 返信用郵便料金の目安

証明書の枚数 郵便料金 封筒サイズ
1~ 4枚 84円 長形3号
5~10枚 94円 長形3号
11~19枚 140円 角形2号
20~31枚 210円 角形2号





FAX 03-3811-5970

N.B. Applications are not accepted by telephone or e-mail. If you cannot come to the reception desk, you must apply by mail.

○ In order to apply by mail, the following documents must be sent:

1. Application Form (Japanese) (PDF.55KB)

2. Stamped self-addressed envelope (only required if you want to receive your certificate by mail). Please make sure that your name and address is shown clearly.

3. Copy of your ID

Approximate Postal Charges

No. of certificates Postal Charge Envelope Size
1-4 ¥84 Naga 3 (120 x 235 mm)
5-10 ¥94 Naga 3 (120 x 235 mm)
11-19 ¥140 Kaku 2 (240 x 332 mm)
20-31 ¥210 Kaku 2 (240 x 332 mm)


Academic Affairs Division

Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies

the University of Tokyo

7-3-1 Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033

FAX 03-3811-5970

海外からの申請When submitting an application from overseas

上記①~③のほかに、日本からの郵便料金に相当する国際返信切手券(International Reply Coupon、1枚130円相当)を同封してください。


● 氏名(ふりがな、英文の場合はローマ字綴りも記入)

● 生年月日

● 入学年月日

● 研究生証番号(修了生または退学者は覚えていれば記入してください)

● 住所(郵便番号、マンション、アパート名も省略せずご記入ください)

● 電話番号(日中連絡の取れる電話番号)

● 電子メールアドレス

● 証明書の種類(成績・修了等)

● 英文・和文の別

● 必要枚数

● 厳封の有無(申し出がない場合は厳封はしません)

● 使用目的

● 提出先(必要枚数分を具体的にご記入ください)




In addition to the documents listed above, please include International Reply Coupons of equivalent value to the postal charges shown above (1 coupon is equivalent to ¥130).

If you are unable to download the application form, please print the following items of information on a piece of paper and send it to us.

● Name (with furigana, or Latin spelling if applying for a certificate in English)

● Date of birth

● Date of Admission

● Research Student Registration No. (if you can remember it)

● Address (in full, including building and apartment number)

● Daytime phone no.

● E-mail address

● Type of certificate required (transcript, graduate/completion certificate, etc.)

● Certificate Language (Japanese or English)

● No. of copies required

● Whether the envelope should be sealed (envelope will be unsealed unless otherwise specified)

● Purpose for which the certificate is required

● To whom the certificate will be submitted (give precise details for each copy)

How long it takes for a certificate to be issued (excluding mailing time)

Japanese certificates: 3 working days from receipt of the application

English certificates: 7 working days from receipt of the application





電話 03-5841-8769

業務時間:平日 10:00~12:00、13:00~16:00


Academic Affairs Division

Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies

the University of Tokyo

7-3-1 Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033

Telephone: 03-5841-8769

Office Hours: 10:00-12:00, 13:00-16:00 Mondays through Fridays (except public holidays, the New Year period, summer break, and during entrance examinations)